Project Showcase: Falcon Studios

Explore their new office at One Global Place through the lens of corporate and interior photography as we proudly present our recent collaboration with Falcon Studio. It will transport you into a world of sophistication and innovation.

Corporate photography

falcon studio Meeting room photo by Artem Levy at Vipixel production

Interior photography

interior photo of falcon studio Pantry area by Artem Levy at Vipixel Production

Experience the harmonious blend of corporate photography expertise and design innovation in our recent project with Falcon Studio. Through skillful lensmanship, we’ve beautifully captured Falcon Studio’s new office at One Global Place. Our corporate photography unveils the professional essence of their team while highlighting the aesthetic grace of their interior spaces. Explore a visual narrative that mirrors the brand’s ethos and dedication to excellence.

Corporate photography

Falcon Studio Corporate photo by Artem Levy at Vipixel Production
falcon studio Meeting room photo by Artem Levy at Vipixel production
Corporate photo falcon studio by Artem Levy at Vipixel Production
corporate photo falcon studio by Artem Levy at Vipixel Production

Interior photography

Falcon Studio Interior photography by Artem Levy at Vipixel productions
interior photo of falcon studio Pantry area by Artem Levy at Vipixel Production
world plaza lobby interior photo by Artem Levy
World Plaza architectural photo by Artem Levy

Contact me

Contact me to discuss your Interior Photography, Architectural Photography, Aerial Photography, or 360 Virtual Tour project.